“Be angry and do not sin …” Did you ever think the Bible would tell you to be angry? But that’s exactly what Paul tells the Ephesians. That said, Paul is quick to also warn them to not sin since Paul knows how powerful and...

Conflict forces young people to wrestle with things in their hearts. Their desires, emotions, and beliefs get intertwined and they often aren’t thinking straight. Conflict also helps teens develop tools for handling differences in life. Three life skills are exercised in every conflict situation: Problem...

Many parents find themselves frustrated with emotional outbursts in their children and don't know how to correct without getting emotionally involved. One of the key indicators of maturity in kids is the ability to manage and communicate emotions in a healthy manner. But when they...

Written and Submitted by Esme Ng What an interesting thought. Deal with anger at Easter time. After all, Jesus died to satisfy the justice, wrath, and holiness of God. And the resurrection is that victory celebration of his success. Esme Ng, our Christian psychologist created a...

Making a heart connection with a child is a special part of parenting. One reason connecting emotionally is so important is that the heart is a person’s spiritual center; that’s why God chooses to live there....

Your child is running and all of a sudden falls down with a smack on the sidewalk. What do you do? Do you rush over and pick him up? Or do you say, “You’re okay. Get up and try again?”...

Technology has changed us all. Much of it is good and helpful, but as children are learning to use electronics they need a lot of oversight and guidance. Many dangerous challenges face children and young people today, so parents must be vigilant....

“Battle” is a strong word. We don’t want to have battles with our children, but sometimes the way they respond makes it feel like a battle. Here are some ideas to reduce the tension, increase the cooperation, and prepare yourself so that conflict doesn’t escalate....