Relationship is the Vehicle for Transferring Values

Posted on Sep 17

After this, Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside, where he spent some time with them, and baptized.
—John 3:22

So much to teach, so little time. Kids grow up quickly and you want to pass on so many ideas, truths, and values: the importance of saving money, being organized, and following through when you say you’re going to do something. And then, there are all of those biblical principles that God has laid out in His Word. How can we pass those nuggets of success on to our kids?

Tucked away in John’s gospel are the six words in our devotion for today. “he spent some time with them.” I wonder what they talked about, what they discussed, what he shared with them about life. We don’t know for certain but we do see that he spent time with them.

You never know what will happen when you spend time with a child. Riding in a car without electronics, sitting down at a meal focused on more than just food and manners, turning the TV off and playing a game, or even just sitting on the porch and watching the sunset. Something happens in those moments: spontaneous conversations.

One Mom told it this way. “I make my three kids turn off their electronics in the van. At first, they don’t like it. They might even complain. But I’m firm and the electronics are off and I just wait. Within just a few minutes one of them speaks. It might be a question or an observation about something we’re passing by on the road. I know then that conversation has begun. I look for ways then to encourage the dialogue. Some of those discussions are the most meaningful parts of my day.”

Of course, the verse has a completely different application. We all need to spend time with Jesus. When we do, he passes on those values to us that we need. We never know whether it will be something for today or something for the future, but time spent with the Lord is never wasted.

Time is a gift. Not just a gift to get things done, but an opportunity to strengthen relationships and talk about life. I once heard a fun statement that goes like this: “Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is an opportunity. That’s why they call it the present.”

Lord, these few moments with you are a treasure. I need you and ask for your teaching and guidance. Please strengthen my heart with your leadership in my life today. And please help me today to look for moments of time to use for your glory as I work with my family. Amen.

1 Comment
  • Lisa B
    Posted at 22:58h, 20 September Reply

    This is so true!!! Great reminder to live in the moment and to pay attention to those opportunities to connect. It’s so important to not get so busy.

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