Question #1: Do You Want to Change?

Posted on Nov 01

One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”—John 5:5-6

The answer to the question, “Do you want to get well?” seems obvious, but is it really?

For the past several weeks I’ve had pain in my shoulders and neck. Finally, I decided it was time to do something about it. I went to the chiropractor who observed that my muscles in my shoulders were very tense. The problem is likely my heavy use of the computer and my intense posture at times.

Making a change in my computer time and posture requires a bit of work. So, I’m faced with a dilemma. I want to work on my computer a lot but I have to change the way I do it. So, the question “Do I want to get well?” becomes quite relevant. The work necessary to change is often more difficult than the current symptoms, at least until it gets to a certain point.

The same thing is true in relationships, finances, speech habits, or being organized. I think some people are stuck where they are because they either haven’t experienced enough pain yet, or they don’t have the hope that might propel them to the next level of their development.

I love working with parents who want to change, or bring about change in their kids. They are tired of the current pain or they come to a place where they say, “I’m not going to live like this anymore.” That’s an important step in anyone’s life. It’s the first step toward change.

Jesus knew that, so he asked what might appear to be that strange question. Why wouldn’t a sick man want to get well? Maybe the work required to live life differently is harder than the current state he’s in.

What area of your life are you ready to change? Are you really ready? If so, talk to God and ask him for the power of the Holy Spirit to see the steps necessary for that change to take place AND for the power to make those changes.

Lord, would you please help us to know where change is necessary in our lives? Please give us insight into our own condition and the practical steps to make the changes that would empower us to be more effective for you. Amen.

1 Comment
  • Lisa B
    Posted at 11:16h, 01 November Reply

    This is a great message, one that I needed to read today. I do have some decisions to make and I need to do some things differently. It’s going to take work, but God is faithful and He will give me strength. He has done it before and He will do it again. I really like the last part of your prayer,

    practical steps to make the changes that would empower us to be more effective for you.

    To be more effective for God is my internal motivation and my prayer is that my kids will be internally motivated all the days of their lives to grow, mature, and change, so that they can be effective for God.

    Thanks for a great devotional.

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