Handling Disappointment – Matthew 1:18-25

Posted on Dec 22

Written by Dave Urbanski

Life is full of surprises.

Sometimes the surprises are wonderful and exciting and put smiles on our faces and make us thankful to be alive.

But life also brings surprises that don’t make us feel very good. They can be relatively small disappointments such as getting stuck in traffic or missing a game and there are significant negative surprises such as losing a job or the death of a loved one.

The question is: How will we respond to them?

We find some insights in regard to this all-important question as we took a look at the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew and the super big surprise that hit Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, before that first Christmas two millennia ago.

In short, Joseph learned that Mary — his wife to be — was pregnant; and Joseph knew he wasn’t the father. Imagine the pain, the utter gut-punch Joseph must have felt when he was hit with that awful surprise of Mary’s pregnancy! Of course he undoubtedly assumed she cheated on him. What other cause could be behind something like that? Shame. Betrayal. Hurt. Embarrassment.

And so the question — “What do I do now?” — naturally became prominent in Joseph’s mind. A lot of men would have made public spectacles. Revenge. An eye for an eye. But Joseph didn’t do that.

Matthew tells us in verses 20 and 21 that while Joseph was sleeping, “an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.'”

What do you suppose Joseph was feeling now?

The Lord’s visitation with Joseph gave him a massive godly perspective. All at once. Boom! For us the Lord’s perspective likely comes through other means — and one of them is what happens to us when we attend church services with other believers. Gaining godly perspectives is one of the divine benefits of coming to church, not just because of the message coming to us from up front, but even more through how we interact together. Maybe you’ll have a chat with another church member and receive prayer — and insight. Maybe you’ll connect with other believers in ways you didn’t expect — hey, surprise! (Again!)

As we excitedly await Christmas Day and remember the grand plan the Lord unfolded in bringing the Messiah to Planet Earth, ask yourself right now, “Do I really believe these truths put forth in Scripture?” If your answer is “yes,” then you and I can be like Joseph and respond to surprises — even difficult ones — knowing that Jesus is “with us” just as he was with Mary and Joseph, even before he was born.

God with us. Yesterday. Today. Forever.

What’s changing in your life today? What’s gnawing at your heart? What’s unsettling your soul? Whatever it is, the Lord speaks to that very thing and says, “I will be with you.” Whatever you do, wherever you go, no matter what missteps you may take: “I will be with you.” Whatever disappointments you’re struggling with, Jesus can bear them — and again he tell us, “I will be with you.”

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