Grandparents meet a special need in the life of their grandchildren. In fact studies show that kids believe that grandparents are very important and value their relationships with them. Furthermore, most grandparents find their role very rewarding....

When you feel overwhelmed by the poor behavior of your children, here's an exercise that will give you some direction. In fact, this activity is good for any parent looking for ways to help children grow, but it's especially helpful when you're confused and overwhelmed...

“Be angry and do not sin …” Did you ever think the Bible would tell you to be angry? But that’s exactly what Paul tells the Ephesians. That said, Paul is quick to also warn them to not sin since Paul knows how powerful and...

Correcting children can be exasperating. Part of the problem happens when children respond poorly. They don't appreciate your suggestions or advice. Instead they become defensive, offer excuses, blame others, or even blame themselves. This resistance causes children to miss the benefits of correction. Of course,...

Every parent has an action point. An action point is the point when you stop talking and start acting or the point when children know you mean business. How do they know? You give them cues and your children know what those cues are....

Every once in a while, after hearing us teach a parenting seminar, a distressed parent will come up and say, "I never knew this information before. Is it too late? I think I've ruined my kids." One parent recently asked that question and I (Scott)...

Sometimes parents are afraid to be firm with their kids for fear that their kids won't like them or that they'll add too much pressure that their kids can't handle. Unfortunately, many children take advantage of their parents' graciousness and don't reciprocate in a positive...

Christmas is a highlight in the life of most children, but much of the benefit is focused on what they get. In fact, some children feel entitled and their expectations create tension. What appears to be demandingness puts a...