Technology has changed us all. Much of it is good and helpful, but as children are learning to use electronics they need a lot of oversight and guidance. Many dangerous challenges face children and young people today, so parents must be vigilant....

Children need firmness, direction, limit setting, instruction, and correction. But don’t forget, they also need a lot of love, teaching, grace, affirmation, appreciation, and relationship....

You’re trying to get something done or redirect your child and somehow it turns into an argument. Arguing increases tension and is a form of resistance. Children who choose to argue often have a serious problem. Here’s how to face it head on....

Some children have the ability to suck the energy right out of family life. These children are demanding of your time, need a lot of correction, and seem to be magnets for conflict. They're often emotionally explosive but almost always drain energy out of parents...

Every person has an invisible shield that resists change and seeks to keep the status quo. It’s the story we tell ourselves to justify our actions, defend our reactions and determine how we think about life. When that invisible shield becomes self-focused, inflexible, and unwilling...