1) Who are the people contributing in Thriving Kids Connection?
Dr. Scott Turansky is actively in the group sharing new content and training coaches and helping parents with wisdom for their situation. Joanne Miller, RN, BSN offers care and advice, answering your questions and helping you get connected. Ed Miller is a resident parenting expert providing solutions using a heart-based approach, and Tracy Tenant is the prayer coordinator, lifting up your needs before our Father.
In addition we have trained coaches as well as those that are being trained as well as parents who have gone through our programs and those who are new.
2) How often is new content provided?
Each month there is a new theme with new content. Videos, blog posts, and handouts are shared over the course of the month. You’ll want to stay current and download all the new content because much of it drops off of the site after two month to keep the site fresh and easy to use.
3) Will my price remain the same?
Yes, as long as you keep your membership current, the cost of the program will remain the same for you. If you drop out however, you’ll have to re enter at the new rate.
4) Can I share this material with my friends?
We encourage you to share what you’re learning with others. You can share your login credentials with your spouse. However, if someone wants the benefits of this program, please have them sign up for themselves.
5) Is my information kept confidential?
Yes, the stories you tell about yourself, your family, and your children are not shared with others. However, the groups are made up of real people and we don’t have ultimate control over their behavior. To protect your confidentiality we encourage you not to use the names of your children. You might use “my son” or “my daughter” or some other way to protect their identities.
6) What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.