When we invest our time, we view these same problems and challenges our kids face not as getting in the way of the day but instead, as an important part of the day....
How did your parents’ decisions affect your life for good? And what decisions are you making today that are costly, but hopefully beneficial for your child?...
With Heart-Based Parenting, developing and maintaining relationship is vital for any of the other tools to be truly effective. Is there anything we can do to slow things down? No. But there is something we can do to enjoy it a little more and get...
The 2019 Parent's Summit is approaching quickly. The simulcast date is February 23. Today we have a blog post from Dave Bondeson noting a past presenter at the conference. You can learn more about the conference and how you can tap into the simulcast here.
Discipline is...
Welcome! Today's blogpost is from our guest blogger, Kathie Morrissey. She shares our heart-based approach and has some great thoughts here. Thank you Kathie!
NOTE: Kathie is running a 10-day email series/challenge: Building Godly Character Intentionally. The series begins January 21st and runs through January 31st! ...
Whenever I drink coffee, I get a burst of energy! This happens to me when I praise God or am grateful for all that others do. A thankful heart is more powerful than coffee though!!! I want to grow thankfulness in my kids and I...