3 Reasons Kids Benefit from Memorizing Scripture
We all want to give good gifts to our children. This blog article, written by Elena Zwetsloot, outlines one of the best gifts we can give. It’s a gift that lasts a lifetime.
3 Reasons Kids Benefit from Memorizing Scripture
“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, speaking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates, so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be multiplied in the land that the LORD swore to give your fathers.” (Deuteronomy 11:18-21)
As parents, we know activities done at a young age can impact our children’s life for many years to come. I, Elena Zwetsloot, can say from my own experience that, even though I grew up in a less than perfect family, one of the main reasons I am a Christian today is the endless church services I sat through, listening to the Word of God being read and preached. At that time I didn’t understand or appreciate the value of it – now I am grateful!
If you are thinking about starting to memorize scripture with your children, there is no doubt this could be the most precious gift you can give them. Memorizing can be hard work for children and parents alike, but hearing the Word of God over and over again will reshape our hearts in ways only the Holy Spirit can do!
Here are 3 reasons I’ve discovered why kids benefit from memorizing scripture:
First, Romans 10:17 tells us “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ.” As parents we long for our children to love the Lord and be faithful to him. From a young age children are little walking sponges that absorb and remember more than we ever can fathom.
I’m shocked sometimes when my son starts singing or reciting something I know he only heard once or twice. It’s an amazing gift some children have, to memorize things very fast. Others take a lot of work. Interestingly, it seems that those who have to work harder to memorize retain it longer.
And there is another thing that you should consider: what your child hears and fosters in his or her heart, is what becomes the “meditation of their heart.”
We do not have much power over all our children hear, but I would encourage you to let your children’s hearts and minds be filled with as many Bible verses and songs about God and Jesus as possible. So, I encourage you to read, sing, and memorize Scripture with your children, no matter the age.
Forming Character
The second reason for memorizing scripture comes from Psalm 119:11, “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Knowing God’s Word and letting it shape the thinking and actions of our children, helps to shape their character. Learning about God, who he is, and what he did and does in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit, has an extraordinary effect on actions and attitudes.
Through his Word, God is developing our children’s conscience that will guide their decision making and thoughts. As parents, we want to see our children make the right choices especially when we are not there to guide them closely. Memorizing key Bible verses will act as a resounding internal voice when our children are faced with hard decisions, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts to bring his Word to completion.
Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus
A third reason why children benefit from memorizing scripture is from John 1:1-2, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” In the end, all that matters for us and for our children is how much we love our Lord Jesus. All scripture is beneficial to life and more than anything it tells us all about our Saviour, it focuses us on him.
Our world is fully focused on internal fulfillment and self-love and it’s so easy to fall in the trap of believing that all that matters is us. Every Bible verse reminds us that all that matters is Jesus. And that’s why we need to memorize and have the Scripture engraved on our hearts, so it will always lead us back to what matters the most…Jesus!
If you would like some help knowing what verses to memorize or how to start with your children, consider the handy Bible Verse packets Elena has created. CLICK HERE to see an assortment for various ages and stages.
Elena Zwetsloot
Posted at 13:29h, 15 JuneWhat a blessing to be surrounded by the word of God and make it part of a routine for our children too!
Besides the fact that I have bible verses around the house, on the fridge, and on doors, it is absolutely normal for me to pick up one or a few verses in the morning or in the evening and share them with my kids.
I did a special project in our church where we used the “Jesus” series with the children’s groups and it was a blessing for the church and the parents. Having your child recite a bible verse is an enormous joy!
Robin Hamilton
Posted at 07:14h, 16 JuneMy children and I memorized Scripture as part of their homeschool curriculum. Every day we worked on the new passage and took turns reciting previously learned ones to keep them fresh. It was hard at first but they all learned to memorize much more quickly than I can! As adults they all still have the Word hidden in their hearts. It is most definitely worth the time invested!
scott turansky
Posted at 10:03h, 16 JuneYes, I agree Robin! I’m so glad my parents helped me develop a love for God’s Word. And, we memorized scripture with our kids too.
Rob Lemeire
Posted at 06:41h, 17 JuneIt’s also about how to memorize, using what method. ‘Memorize the Faith’ of Kevin Vost explains this very well, with practical ways to do it. It’s the method also used by Saint Aquinas.
I learned by heart some prayers in Latin while I don’t even understand Latin by using the loci method. This loci method, students can use also for learning by heart various (even very dry) subject matters. I also use the practical (and secular) book ‘How to develop a brillant memory’ by Dominic O’ Brien.
Rob (from Belgium)
Peter Schaffluetzel
Posted at 17:22h, 19 NovemberThank you very much for your inspiring thoughts! Another great help to memorise Bible verses is the app Remember Me (https://www.remem.me). It features games, images, audio, Bible flashcards and numerous Bible versions to choose from. It’s completely free. No ads, no restrictions.