10 Days of Godly Character
Welcome! Today’s blogpost is from our guest blogger, Kathie Morrissey. She shares our heart-based approach and has some great thoughts here. Thank you Kathie!
NOTE: Kathie is running a 10-day email series/challenge: Building Godly Character Intentionally. The series begins January 21st and runs through January 31st! Learn more here: Building Godly Character Intentionally 10 Day Challenge

Kathie Morrissey
One of the most important priorities you should have as a parent is to build Godly character in your children. Character prepares our children for success in life. They learn to work hard, have initiative, diligence, perseverance, integrity and other important character traits.
It is more important to build Godly character in your children than it is to make sure they are well educated in academics, or that they develop skills in music or sports.
As Christian parents, we need to get excited about the opportunity that we have to raise a generation of young people who have good strong Christian character.
It is OUR job, after all, and we are best suited for that job. We know our kids better than anyone else does, and we love them more.
Even more important though is that fact that God gave them to us. It’s our job to disciple them and help them become like Him.
Here are 6 practical ways you can build Godly character in your children:
1. Model and example good character yourself.
It’s true that children learn more from our walk, than they learn from our talk! In fact, our children become like us, so we need to strive to be an example to them of Godly character.
Keep in mind that they are watching all the time. Without us saying a word, we are shaping their character in either a positive or negative way.
2. Give your children Godly role models
You can tell who the role models of young people are by the posters they have on the walls of their bedroom. Unfortunately, many young people have pictures of famous musicians or sports heroes. Most of those aren’t exactly Godly role models that we want our children to emulate.
You can give them Godly role models by:
- Reading Christian biographies together
- Spending time getting to know missionaries
- Introducing them to Godly people in your church
3. Get God’s Word into the hearts and minds of your children.
Godly character begins on the inside with a close relationship with the Lord, so it is important that we teach our children God’s Word purposefully. We want them to have His Word in their minds, so they will THINK His thoughts.
Thoughts lead to actions, which develop into habits, which then grow into character.
All of that started with the thoughts!
Simple ways to help our kids to think God’s thoughts:
- Read a few Bible verses together daily, and talk about how they apply to their lives.
- Help your kids develop the habit of reading God’s Word daily at a young age.
- Memorize Scripture together regularly.
- Sing Scripture songs together.
4. Train and correct the heart with Scripture.
Another simple way to get God’s Word into the hearts and minds of your children is by using it for training and correcting their hearts.
It’s easy to look at wrong behavior and get frustrated because we have to stop what we are doing to train and correct the child. The truth is that the wrong behavior isn’t an interruption. Instead, its an OPPORTUNITY to take your kids to God’s Word and address the heart issue with Bible answers and truths.
5. Have planned teaching times with character lessons.
One of the best ways to build Godly character in your children it to have daily character lessons that teach your children the meaning of the character trait you are studying. Look for Biblical examples, and practical ways to apply it to their daily lives.
To help you get started with daily character lessons, sign up here, and I will send you 4 weeks of free character lessons.
6. Pray for them to have Godly character.
While teaching and training our children to grow in character, we need to work as though it all depends on us and PRAY as though it all depends on God! It is our job to faithful in teaching and training, while trusting Him to do a work in their hearts.
Praying is one of the most powerful things we can do as parents. When we pray God’s Word back to Him for our children, we bring His power right into their lives.
Will you make a commitment to pray daily for your children to grow in Godly character?
I would love to have you join me for a FREE 30 day Prayer Challenge:
Praying Biblical Virtues For Your Children!
Remember that character is the most important fruit you can nurture in your children. Take one of these steps TODAY to build Godly character in your children!
Kathie Morrissey is the mother of 8 children, wife to Alan for 40 years, as well as an author and speaker. She is the founder of The Character Corner, where she loves to blog about parenting, family life, homeschooling, and life in general. Her heart’s desire is to help and encourage parents to be purposeful in raising Godly children, who walk in purity, and have a heart for God.
niquiel abela
Posted at 19:30h, 23 JanuaryI would like to join the 30 day prayer for children
Posted at 15:25h, 20 AprilThanks for this . Pls I would love to join
Nomusa Mshayisa
Posted at 23:03h, 12 JulyThis is a very important ? information. I would like to get 4weeks lessons on building a Godly character for junior class and teenagers classes.