Where Does Your Strength Come From

Posted on Oct 24

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”—Joshua 1:9

Parenting requires strength-every day. But it’s hard to be strong when we second-guess ourselves or when things aren’t going smoothly. Challenges come into our lives that have a tendency to weaken us.

If you’re feeling weak today you need the inspiration that comes from God’s Word. Notice the basis for strength is God’s presence.

People may not understand. Even family members may resist, but God knows your heart. He wants to provide you with strength and the knowledge of his presence is at the core of that strength.

Take a few moments to day and thank him for his strength. Remind yourself of his presence today. In fact, look for examples of God’s grace and his work in your life. It’s that knowledge that God is with you that can give you the strength to do the work that he’s called you to do.

Lord, thank you that there is no place that I can go that is outside of your presence. Please give me confidence today to do what you’ve set before me. Reveal your presence to me today. Amen.

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