How to take a Stand When others want you to Sit Down – Philippians 1:27-30

Posted on Nov 12

It’s not easy to take a stand for Christ when others pressure us to sit down and keep quiet. But fortunately the Apostle Paul has a solution for us in the final verses of Philippians chapter 1. Paul offers four principles — or pillars — that hold us up in a sturdy way as we step out and up for Jesus in all circumstances. It’s instructive also to notice that Paul in verses 27 through 30 uses terminology that reflects soldiers in the heat of battle: opponents, destruction, conflict. Certainly we’re not wearing uniforms and carrying real weapons as we contend for the gospel, but it sure can feel that way sometimes — which is why we need to know how to equip ourselves to successfully stand. First of all, we must maintain a clear FOCUS. “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ. Secondly, we must BE PART OF A TEAM. Christianity isn’t a solo sport, ideally, and Paul knows this.

Third, we must not be frightened by those who stand against us and against the gospel. We must BE COURAGEOUS! Why? Well, A LOT of people don’t like the gospel message. It’s offensive. It tells people they are sinners who need saving. For that reason, maybe they’ll ridicule you, put you down, and laugh at you. Jesus, as we know, predicted such treatment — and he experienced the worst of it.

Finally, in order to successfully stand even when others want us to sit down, we must RECEIVE THE GIFT. What gift? Well, Paul uses the phrase “it has been granted to you” — an act of grace toward us — and then continues saying “that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake.” (verse 29)

Paul says our job is to be engaged in the same conflict he’s endured. And Paul faced down a LOT of conflict for the sake of Christ. A lot of ridicule. A lot of suffering. Indeed, it takes FOCUS and COURAGE to walk the path Paul took. But it can be more successfully navigated when we’re part of a TEAM that engages with the battle at hand and thrives amid receiving the GIFT that comes through suffering for Christ. That’s how we move forward, and that’s how we grow.

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