4 Components for Deep, Significant Relationships – Philippians 2:2

Posted on Dec 09

Our world and our nation — and even the church itself — is quite divided today. It seems people are primed and ready to argue, fight, and tear each other down at every opportunity. How can Christians fix this amid even a divided church? By following Paul’s specific instructions in Philippians 2:2: “being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” when we’re all invested in the same mission, big things happen.

So how do we get there?

In other words, once you’ve filled up at God’s “spiritual gas station” with all the gifts Christ bestows upon his beloved children (verse 1) — then demonstrate your renewed strength by being united with other believers as you go forth (verse 2).

The first is “same mind,” which in Greek is rendered as “phraneo” — and it’s all about bringing emotions and beliefs together. The result becomes our core belief — our “mindset” as we pursue the same mission.

The second is “same love” — and this particular rendering in the Greek is the familiar “agape” type of love or supernatural love. The love of God. And to bolster our unity, we must strive to give each other the “agape” love that the Lord freely gives to us.

The third term — “full accord” — is all about being united as we walk together in faith. If we’re all following Jesus, the direction forward is guaranteed: “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:29-30)

Anyone who’s ever witnessed classical musicians in concert knows that before they actually play a song together, they’re playing individually amid cacophony. No unity, no beauty. But once they tune up, the music they make together sounds amazing.

May we move forward together as one body, having one mind, and one mission — and begin by individually deciding to take part in the heavenly orchestra and by tuning to the same note. To link arms in one long line. To be yoked to Jesus as he leads us onward as we live life 100 percent for the purpose he has for us.

Then get ready for big things to happen.

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